Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year??so soon?

Well time has come and gone so fast. I didn't realize that i had left my blog idle for 2 months. Time has flown by, since the last post. It seemed like the semester just ended, then it started again...but i did have much fun in between though. Fun times go by really fast dont they :)

Though it seemed to pass by real quick, had a great december :) started with comming back from the trip to perth feeling refreshed physically and spiritually, then the african christmas, then loud christmas then christmas itself then new was really a month filled with so much activity and fun.

Then we started the year with Dr Naomi Dowdy's conference which was really a good start and now planing for the youth concert in feb. Its all really cool.

I'm really excited and looking forward to things this year. I really cant wait for the next day to come coz even though yea there is still the workload of studies and the ministry, i just know its gonna be great. and that things can only get better, not worse.

15 days into the new year, still excited, still looking forward and expecting good things.
Regardless of what the newspaper say, i believe that 2009 is going to be a GOOD year.
And that through the doom and gloom, there will definitely be a BLOOM..

Life's great isn't it :)

Chinese new year's comming and i'm definitely looking forward to it..hehe not only the ang pows, but also a time to spend with family and friends. (of course more to the ang pows hehe)

Looking forward to have a good year this year...

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