This time it was my closet...
For ages, my closet has been packed with clothes (Nicki said there were enough clothes to clothe a small village) ...i never did understand why, because i'm not the kind that goes shopping every other week and buy tons of clothes..
in fact, i can count the number of new clothes i buy each year....
Countless times i have been asked to clean my closet and i have, but everytime, after taking out many clothes i still have tons of clothes in there, they seem never able to get less...
So this time, determined to really give it a good cleaning...
i took out all of the clothes and went through them one by one....
I looked through my clothes and discovered the reason why there are still so many clothes in my closet...believe it or not....i kept most of those clothes because of the story behind them...
Its hard to believe, but yea...i'm a sentimental person...looking through the clothes...i really remembered every story behind the clothes, and also when it was bought, where it was bought, who gave it to me and all...
It was like, Nickleback's song "Photograph" kind of feeling going through that pile of clothes (just that most of the normal people really do go through the photographs rather than clothes)
It was like each shirt had its own story...
Couldn't believe it but i still had clothes that i bought 10 years ago, and some i'm still wearing.
Clothes that was given to me for my birthday and i didn't want to ruin it so i never wore, and also clothes that i love so much that even though its discoloured i also dont want to throw away.
Clothes that were bought at camps, clothes that i bought with different groups of friends.
It really was like flipping through a photo album and remembering all the silly things we used to do...
As much as i would really love to hold on to all these items that has a memory attached to them...its time to let it go...memories can be fun, but sometimes it can be a load of baggage...
and aslo it takes up space for new things to come in...
like in the song written by Kenny Rogers "The Gambler"
he sings "every gambler knows, the secret to survival, is knowing what to throw away, and knowing what to keep"
Well i'm not a gambler..but i think that it kinda makes sense..hehe
So off they go into the plastic bags...
Now i've got more space for new stuff...
Guess its the same in life
as a chinese saying that says "if the old doesnt go, the new wont come"
Any voluenteers to help fill me wardrobe?? :)
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