Monday, July 6, 2009

New season, New day

Its a new season, its a new day....

Familiar phrase for most of my blog readers. We have been saying it for the last two months (i think)

New season with new changes, new challenges, new everything...

Since then, things have been changing so fast. So fast that i've been hit left and right with changes that i thought would be coming only by the end of the year, or maybe even few years from now. I'm not one that takes changes easily..adjustments has to be made, so that i make sure that i am prepared mentally, physically and emotionally to take on the new season.....

So far, all's been good, and adjustments have been working.

I believe what doesn't break you, will make you stronger!!

I can do all things through christ who strengthens me!!

ITs a new season, its a new day!!

Bring it on!!

1 comment:

Jez said...

Very compound blog, yet I can feel the thrill in you about the things that are yet to come.

God bless you!